We value our friends, old and new, in places up and down the coast. Knowing how much we are loved by God motivates us to in turn love others, so it is our joy to go out of our way to share life with our coastal friends. Our desire is to live more like Jesus’ example everyday, so people can see God’s love through our lives. We also love encouraging one another to grow through reading God’s Word.
Mission Boat History
There is a long history of mission boats serving the coast, visiting geographically remote inlets and islands. Coastal Missions Society began in 1980 with a small group of dedicated missionaries wishing to continue the mission boat work the Shantymen’s Christian Association wrapped up in 1968.
Coastal Missions started outreach to advance the gospel on the BC and Alaska coast with a second-hand wooden vessel. Seeing the need for a more enduring vessel, Coastal Missions built the steel Coastal Messenger, custom-designed for west coast ministry. This vessel has continued an annual circuit on the coast since 1999, until 2020, the year the ministry marked their 40th anniversary.
During the 2020 Covid-19 restrictions, Coastal Missions took the opportunity to complete extra projects to keep the vessel in top-notch condition. Facing the additional challenge of a near-retirement crew, in March 2021 the staff at Coastal Missions contacted Catherine with the idea that she start a new ministry for the Coastal Messenger. A few months prior, Catherine had asked a small handful of individuals to pray with her for the coastal mission field. In June 2021, the board of the society invited Catherine to submit a proposal for a new ministry. God opened the door for this new ministry with International Messengers Canada Society, as the directors, Gene and Grace Fox, have a solid marine background and were part of the prayer group. In the spring of 2022, Coastal Missions Society accepted a proposal for the work to continue under Coastal Light Vessel Ministry.
Today’s Ministry
Coastal Light Vessel Ministry builds on the foundation laid by Coastal Missions, continuing to build relationships on the coast. As vessel crew and coastal friends walk out faith together, there is mutual encouragement in following Christ.
Prayer and Bible reading are key to growing with God. Vessel crew are personally growing in their relationship with God, so visitors aboard hear God’s truth and see God’s love through conversations, actions, daily crew devotions, and resources provided for the life of faith. Local fellowship groups and leaders are encouraged and feel less isolated in their journey.
There is an emphasis on service projects, with the skills of those aboard and the needs expressed by those on the coast determining these projects. They may include, for example, falling trees, bucking and stacking firewood, or hauling groceries up from the dock. Life alongside each community looks different in each place. Humility and love-in-action essential for an authentic witness and restoring relationships with those damaged by the church.